We met at a smoothie and film party in college, during which, I (Matt) let out my inner Shakespeare and screamed at Rachel from a balcony. When I first asked Rachel out on a date, she put her head on the table in front of her to think about it first. She agreed only after I answered a very long list of hard questions a few days later.

We were married in Texas Hill country amidst close friends. Rachel forgot she needed a bouquet, but a close friend came to the rescue. We made promises to each other and then took time to pray to make promises to God about our marriage. We did without much of the traditional aspects of a wedding: no dancing, no toasts, no exchanged rings, no wedding party…you get the idea…but we did spend 3 hours with their wedding videographers. The day was perfect, because it was perfect for us.


To this day, we are big fans of weddings where people get to do what makes the day special and unique for them – whether that includes all the bells and whistles or none at all. We also believe, much like Spiderman, that with great power comes great responsibility (aka – we care a lot about making your wedding film amazingly awesome for you).


We have a wall in our home dedicated to adorable cat paintings. The pair of us like fine food, fine folk, epic timelapses, relaxing Netflix marathons, and searching for Airbnbs with character.